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Special Events

Stetson Academy

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Special Events

At Stetson Academy, we’re dedicated to fostering a sense of community and creativity by hosting a range of special events that welcome not just our students, but the public as well. Whether you’re joining us for our lively Pizza & Paint Night, our kid-friendly Pizza & Movie Nights, or festive celebrations like Carnival Night, the Christmas Jubilee, and Halloween Spooktacular, there’s something for everyone. These events offer a chance for our school community and the broader public to come together, have fun, and create lasting memories.

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Pizza & Movie Night

Pizza and Movie Night at Stetson Academy is an exciting event where kids can come together to enjoy a fun evening with their friends. They’ll start with a delicious pizza dinner, followed by a screening of a popular, kid-friendly movie. It's a great opportunity for students to relax, socialize, and have a blast in a safe and enjoyable environment designed just for them.

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Pizza and Paint Night

Paint Night at Stetson Academy is an engaging event where students can focus on creating their own acrylic painting on canvas. The evening combines hands-on artistic expression with a relaxed atmosphere, including a break for pizza to keep the energy up. By the end of the night, each student leaves with a finished piece of art, reflecting their creativity and effort.

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A note about behavior

At Stetson Academy, we expect all students to maintain respectful and appropriate behavior during our events. Students who disrupt the event or fail to follow the rules will be required to leave early, and their parents or guardians will be notified to pick them up. Please note that no refunds will be issued in such cases. We want all participants to have a positive experience, and this policy ensures that everyone can enjoy the event in a safe and enjoyable environment.

There aren't any special events available right now. Check back soon!


Transitional Kindergarten

Stetson Academy offers the best kindergarten readiness program around

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Primary School

Read about our TK through 6th grade programs

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We offer world class tutoring conducted by experienced teachers

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