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Stetson Academy

Electives Policies

What are electives

Starting in first grade, Stetson Academy provides the opportunity for students to enrich their educational experience by offering various elective courses.

Who is eligible?

Not all students will be eligible to participate in electives. It's important to note that the core subjects will always be the first priority at Stetson Academy. Student eligibility is determined using the following 5 criteria.

  • Students must be first grade or above
  • Students must be working above grade level
  • Students must be working at full potential
  • Students must not have any significant behavioral concerns
  • Students must demonstrate the ability to work responsibly and independently

Students with an assigned elective that fail to maintain the above standards, may be required to drop their elective.

What are the different options for electives

The different elective offerings vary from term-to-term, but can include options such as coding, cooking, music, art, sign language, etc. Parents have the final say about which elective a student chooses, but we encourage all families to make choosing an elective a collaborative effort.

Elective Grades

Once a student has been assigned an elective they are committed to that elective for the duration of the trimester. Students with an assigned elective will receive an 'effort' grade on their report card. To read our grading policies please visit this page.

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